Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Veggie Venture: Climbing Beans!

It's been a while since we've checked in on the Veggie Venture. The beans are growing like crazy! I wanted to make some sort of artsy structure for them to climb up, but effing a, I just don't have the time.

What I do have though? A crap ton of yarn!

Seems to be working!

Also, I think this is round three on the lettuce and the carrots. I finally stopped trying to germinate them indoors (the roots kept latching onto the paper towels and ripping when I'd try to plant them).

I finally just dumped a bunch of seeds in the dirt and said "Good luck! You're on your own!"

So far so good!

1 comment:

Leslee said...

WOW! Aren't you just the best gardener!!! Great job...

Love the planter boxes and personally, i ♥ your independance :-)